
Our Mandate

Support The Investment And AI Tech Startup Community On Silicon Mountain Mandeville Manchester Jamaica

With a primary emphasis on identifying private equity positions in small and medium-sized companies with robust business models and growth potential
Our Approach

Identify And Invest In Companies With Robust Business Models And Growth Potential In New Emerging Technology

Our Philosophy

Everything Is Possible... No Is Not An Option or Answer

Our Services

Centralized Corporate Services, Policy Direction And Management, Ensuring Optimal Efficiency.

We have a broad global perspective with a focused regional outlook, investing in AI technology startups, especially female founded and run companies on Silicon Mountain Mandeville and the wider Caribbean.
Aldo Antonio Muir - Founder and Executive Chairman BlackSlate Holdings Group Limited
AI Startups

Investment Portfolio

The Team

Meet the Team

Aldo Antonio Muir

Founder and Executive Chairman

Bianca Muir

Executive Assistant - Remote
News & Press

Press Articles

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